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do I have to become a human, Ma?

Posted by littleindian on July 24, 2007. |


I promise to be a good little mangabey,
please don’t let anyone evolve me into a human.

Ma please?”

cherry-crowned mangabey

A four-day-old cherry-crowned mangabey clings to its mother at Colchester Zoo, UK.
The species is under increasing pressure from human activity in its native Nigeria.


When I saw the picture of the baby mangabey,
I could only think that in its original primate simpleness,
its life would probably be less painful, away from the horrors
us humans, the evolved and intelligent primates, gift to each other.

If the baby knew of our humans’ devious ways and dishonest lives,
would it ever wish to evolve into humans, or choose to remain as a mangabey?
Happily forever.


This a quote from
Eisenhower, from way back 50s.
It seems even more appropriate now,
with the world poised at the brink of another possible war,
perhaps even more devastating than any we have seen before.

Has evolution been an upward step?
or are we on a perpetual downward white knuckle ride? You decide.


Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953 – on humanity

“Every gun that is made,
every warship launched,
every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense,

a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and not clothed.

This world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of its laborers,
the genius of its scientists,
the hopes of its children.

This is not a way of life at all in any true sense.
Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”





Posted by littleindian on . |

8 Responses to “do I have to become a human, Ma?”

  1. When I look, here in the USA, at our government. It is an unhappy realization that the whole lot of our elected officials are devolved, militarist, knuckle draggers.

    The scientifically impossible I do right away
    The spiritually miraculous takes a bit longer

  2. Lovely picture.
    Hopelessly true quote.
    Interesting question.
    Profound post.

    But I still want to beleive there are very good and decent human beings whose ordinary, everyday lives outweigh the badness.

  3. thanks Clapso,

    it is strange that the American electorate let this happen.

    That in a democracy their rights and freedom are being whittled away while all they do is helplessly watch?

    I may be wrong, but I get more convinced by the day, that democracy has failed in America.

  4. thanks earthPal,

    A newborn,
    in human captivity,
    whose natural habitat has been lost to humans,
    a specis that claims to have evolved into a higher form.

    I saw the photograph
    and what struck me was the
    expression on the baby’s face, only fear and bewilderment.

  5. Touching. The baby’s face, an apparent blindness of the mother…compared to the human looks the baby seems to be old, wrinkled and weary…but that face stands for definitive beauty

  6. Aww…how cute and touching and of course the question, truly profound!

  7. @ life’s elsewhere,
    thanks for stopping by.

    I totally agree with what you say.
    The expression on the baby seems like
    it has or is about to say something to its mother.

  8. @ another woman

    it is cute.
    and at the same time as life’s elsewhere points out
    wrinkly and weary with apparent knowledge of old age.

    I loved the photo.