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united suckers of america

Posted by littleindian on July 28, 2007. |

I got this from Dissident’s blogsite.

Beating Back the Latest Neocon Attack Scheme

Hands Off Pakistan!

Gary Leupp / July 28th, 2007:
The latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), the collective product of 16 US intelligence agencies concerning national security issues, was released July 17.

(President Bush had received it on his desk in June.)
Its general content, made public on July 12, included the conclusion that al-Qaeda has regained the same strength it had as of the 9-11 attacks. According to the report, this strength derives from the “safe haven” it has enjoyed in parts of Pakistan and its association with “al-Qaeda in Iraq,” which has allowed it to “energize the broader Sunni extremist community, raise resources, and to recruit and indoctrinate operatives . . .

It is less than two months to the 9/11 2007, Mr Bin Laden is still at large.
Mr Musharraf tells us that he assumes,
“he (bin Laden)
is moving back and forth across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border somewhere”.
And Mr Musharraf is an honorable man, there is no reason to doubt his words, is there?

Only three days ago this statement was being presented to a senate committe.

Pakistan’s Future: Building Democracy, or Fueling Extremism?

R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs
Senate Committee On Foreign Relations: July 25, 2007

Closing Statement:
Mr. Chairman, in closing let me reiterate that the partnership between Pakistan and the United States is successful and improving. Both of our peoples have spilled blood in our common struggle to defeat the terrorist enemy. Much remains to be done, however. We must continue to focus on bringing top al Qaida and Taliban leaders to justice. We must continue the momentum engendered by Pakistan’s recent success in capturing or killing several Taliban leaders. And we must continue our joint focus on moderating the extremism that emanates from Pakistan, which our long-term development assistance targets.

We applaud the efforts of Pakistan, ask for its continued support to defeat the extremists, and commit our support in return. In this year of momentous transition for Pakistan, we are determined to ensure that the substantial resources the American people provide to Pakistan are utilized efficiently, effectively, and to support what all of us want: Pakistan’s transformation into a more stable, open, and secure nation where its people can, in the future, live peacefully.

Are we?
Applauding the efforts of Pakistan?
Exactly what has Mr Musharraf achieved in six years?
Except sending his troops to fight some tribal gunmen, and capturing a few al Qaida low ranks?

Let us look at the reality of this situation.
Pakistan is a nuclear state,
and the only Islamic state with genuine high grade ‘boosted’ nukes.

Islamic Bomb

September 30th, 2006 in News by Scott Horton
‘Pakistan, with its nuclear weapons and Islamic militants, has been called the most dangerous country in the world,
“But with the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden’s continued protected presence in Pakistan/Afghanistan, and the recently released National Intelligence Estimate that Bush’s war of aggression against Iraq has increased the chances that you and yours will get nuked in your jammies, probably by a Pakistani nuke,

Mr Bush and his war hungry neocon pack, went barking up the wrong tree.

With Mr Laden hidden in Afghanistan-Pakistan, he and his pack turned on Iraq.
To save the petrodollar, and revert Mr Saddam Hussain’s Euro reserve to USDs.
The oil is ofcourse a bonus.

But way back in 2002, before the invasion of Iraq,
there were voices raised with the real issues. Voices that were ignored.

It’s Pakistan, stupid!

Supercritical thoughts: Gordon Prather – Posted: August 31, 2002
the warhawk excuse for the invasion – by the U.S.-led WAT coalition – became Saddam’s continued desire to have a nuke stockpile. Except, now the warhawks argue that Saddam will give his nukes, once he has got them, to Islamic terrorists, so that they can nuke us in our jammies.

the Islamic terrorists and their nukes are in Pakistan – not Iraq.
The Pakistanis claim their boosted nukes are small enough to be delivered by ballistic missile and there is no reason to doubt them.

How could the Pakistanis have developed such a sophisticated cradle-to-grave nuke capability? You hear allegations that the Chinese helped them, technically, and that the Saudis bankrolled them.
…what we do know is that virtually all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference – including Saudi Arabia – view the Pakistani nukes to be “Islamic” nukes.

If the warhawks disregard the opposition of the OIC and the WAT coalition and invade Iraq on the pretext of keeping the nukes Saddam doesn’t have out of the hands of Islamic terrorists who aren’t in Iraq, the chances of those Islamic nukes that really are in Pakistan falling into the hands of Islamic terrorists that really are in Pakistan will go way up. So will your chances of getting nuked in your jammies.

Since early 60s, Pakistan forged friendship with China,
joined hands to ‘fight’ against their common enemy, India.
Pakistan handed over the Trans-Karakoram Tract of Pakistani-administered
Northern Areas of Kashmir to China in 1963, “in a gesture of goodwill”.
A price paid? for the friendship with someone else’s territory “occupied”.
Opportunistic politics.

There are enough documents
to prove the Americans were aware of China’s nuclear proliferation.
But it was a case of Pakistan is our ally, those nukes will never harm us.
So turn a blind eye, both blind eyes, to India’s concerns.

Whose thumb is now on the Pakistani Nuke Button? A military dictator’s.
America invaded Iraq to ‘restore’ democracy yet let Musharraf stay as a dictator for 8 years!
Musharraf himself is clinging on to his power,
if he falls, there is no democratically elected government to take over,
it will be an Islamic country ruled by extreme religious groups,
and they will have their thumb(s) on the Nuclear button.

Remember the rhetorics of the 9/20 amidst applause and standing ovations.

Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People

In a historic address to the nation and joint session of Congress Sept. 20, President Bush pledges to defend America’s freedom against the fear of terrorism. White House by Eric Draper.

“Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.)
From this day forward,
any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism
will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime

Mr Musharraf, positioned himself on the side of the Americans, while many in his military and his intelligence services continued to sympathise with Taliban and al Queda.
Six years on, Taliban and Al Qaida are in full strength, protected in his country.

President General Pervez Musharraf, in response to America’s call for support,

Address to People of Pakistan: September 19, 2001, (Original Text Copyrighted)Musharraf addressed the people of Pakistan and stated he supported the Taliban, and he would looking for ways to prevent damage and save Afghanistan and Taliban.
Pakistan was considered a fortress of Islam, any harm to the country would cause damage to the cause of Islam.

I am unable to understand,
how can one support the Taliban and at the same time join in a fight against them!
Or who in their right mind
would trust someone who claimed to be friends of the Talibans on one day, and
deserted them the next to join ranks with their ‘enemy’ ?.
[that is if he really meant what he said]

Mr Musharraf wrote in his book,
his co-operation was forced by the Americans; he is a reluctant ally!!!

In The Line of Fire – A memoir
“In what has to be the most undiplomatic statement ever made, Armitage … told the director general not only that we had to decide whether we were with America or with the terrorists, but that if we chose the terrorists, then we should be prepared to be bombed back to the Stone Age,” Musharraf writes.

“Why should we put our national interest on the line for a primitive regime that would be defeated?” he asks. “Self-interest and self-preservation were the basis of this decision.”

But he also concedes al-Qaeda and Taliban militants still operate in his country, while repeating his insistence that he has no knowledge of the whereabouts of top fugitives, including bin Laden and Omar.

“If I had to guess, I would assume that he (bin Laden) is moving back and forth across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border somewhere,” Musharraf writes.

In that address on 19 sept 2001, Mr Musharraff told his nation,

“Pakistan comes first, everything else comes later”.

I have no problems with that, it is an honorable and patriotic gesture.
Sacrifices for the greater good of mankind, you ask? They never knew what that meant.

You may forget everything else written here or on the web pages I have referred.
But do remember this, Pakistan is only looking after its own interest.
They can be “with you today, and against you tomorrow”,
call them friends at your own ignorant peril.
Mr Musharraf, called Mr Bush’s bluff,
and has outsmarted him.

I am off to get my new jammies,
for the threat of WMDs this time is for real.

the united suckers of america

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the United Suckers of America

aspirins for you Mr Bush, sir?

Posted by littleindian on . |

24 Responses to “united suckers of america”

  1. […] united suckers of america […]

  2. Amazing article Little Indian.

  3. Thanks Rajiv,
    for stopping by and your comment.
    I am glad if you appreciated what I wrote.

    Iraq was far away from India,
    Saddam Hussain was never our threat.
    Pakistan has been for 60 years with America’s blessings.

    Time for some Indians to wake up.
    The threat is REAL; and just across the border.

  4. well compiled post
    china is too big a monster for america now
    they hold largest dollar reserves and can fight the battle economically.

    America will keep their eyes shut so long as Bandar Bush guarantees them oil and Pakistanis do their bidding time and again by showing their support to the war on terror.

    Remember Pakis survive bcause of two countries Saudis and USA, and are used as a counter against India by the Chinese.
    After every crises Musharaff has to consult with the bin sauds Americans and chinese

    It pays to be a rotten egg.

  5. @ Prax,
    Thanks for stopping by.

    Time must be running out on Musharraf
    this time he is seiged from within, from Islamic hardliners.

    Time is also running out on America,
    the islamic militants are getting closer and closer to the Pakistani Nukes.

    Bush went fighting ‘windmills’, leaving his own backyard unguarded.

  6. Your article uncovers the facts behind each move of Pak.As it is rightly said fate spares no one…might become equally true for Bush!!
    But our concern is india.As a matter of fact india has never been like america nor like pakistan.So why are we in threat??

  7. thanks Pinky,

    I find,
    since our independance,
    the conflict India is suffering
    with China has been over territory and political beliefs;
    with Pakistan has been over territory on background of religion.

    India had to go nuclear to counter these threats.
    Had we not, we would have fought endless wars over disputed borders.

    Pakistan still wants the whole of Kashmir.

  8. Worrisome stuff Little Indian. Fairweather friends indeed. They call him Busharraf don’t they?

    As for Bush, I can’t believe he is still getting away with all this.

    “Somebody give him a blow-job quick so we can have him impeached.”

  9. thanks earthpal,

    We in India have seen
    violence and sectarian killings
    ever since the day of our independance.

    We have had a fair share of islamic terrorism
    aided and abeted by Pakistan (and recently Bangladesh)
    The world has always turned a blind eye, because
    the voice of the ‘muslim electorate’ in the west is stronger.

    We are on the Al Qaida hit list.

  10. I consider all the “leaders” mentioned in this excellent article to be thieves and criminals. They are all members of the worlds power elite and do the rest of us great harm. They will always find ways to start wars which kill and injure the rest of us, while they become richer and more powerful…

    The scientifically impossible I do right away
    The spiritually miraculous takes a bit longer

  11. Thanks clapso,
    it is unfortunate that many “world leader”
    tend to be the criminals and psychopaths.
    And it is us who vote them into power!!

    I honestly believe time is running out on Musharraff,
    which means time is also running out for Bush and cohorts
    and finally Bush may well have his desire of finding WMDs on his doorsteps.

  12. As Israel was always threatened by the presence of SCUD missiles. I feel we will be the first target by Pakistan army . I don’t see US been threatened by Paki nuks any way. It is us, Indians. Pakis will chosse any Indian City with International Repute …one which has good military and Air base. Do we have any airpower to stop it? MIGS are aging. MAy be Sukhoi may help. Pune, Chandigarh, Mumbai could be on the short list.

  13. Thanks for stopping by Sriniwas,

    I fully agree.

    Pakistan is well capable of
    “we are going down let us take India with us”.
    And if they do hit us with nukes, I do not think there are many foolproof anti missile systems that will stop them in flight.

    We have to rely on the “Islamic bombs” being treasured for use against the Americans. And not “wasted” on us. At the present moment we are the smaller enemy.

    America helps build monsters, it is fair they are the ones to bear the consequences.

  14. […] aware America that stayed silent when China helped Pakistan to build […]

  15. […] myths – pakistan’s claims on kashmir I have also explored the threat to regional peace and safety brought on by Pakistan. I have been exploring myths about Kashmir that are subject of biased […]

  16. […] aware America that stayed silent when China helped Pakistan to build […]

  17. […] just my suspicious mind or do we have have reasons to suspect a cover up? After all if we are to be nuked in our jammies, I would at least like to know who to be grateful to for doing us that […]

  18. @ Pakis will chosse any Indian City with International Repute…

    @ We in India have seen violence and sectarian killings ever since the day of our independance.

    Thanks for your posts, but just came in my mind to mention that who was the first to test the nukes. It was India not Pakistan, Who is killing Innocent Kashmiri youth in Kashmir. Pakistan is only doing these things to protect hereself from Indian aggression. Pakistan compared to India a small country, and cann’t afford to match the heavy defence budgets. Pakistan don’t have any agenda to be a super power but India have.
    India from day one has always threaten the sovereinity of Pakistan. Pakistan’s whole defences are being built to defend itself and not to attack.

  19. @ capricorn,

    I have no problem with Pakistan building and having a nuclear bomb. I have problems with the sneaky underhand way N technology was being transferred to other countries. And when found out, Gen Musharraf, in a cowardly act blamed and disgraced the scientist and has kept him under house arrest.

    Just to clarify a few things:
    1. Kashmir, the first killing and raping was by muslims from NW provinces on hindus and muslims in 1947.
    2. Innocent Kashmirirs in “Azad Kashmir” and POK are being killed and tortured by Pakistanis.

    When you talk of Kashmir, why do you so conveniently refer ONLY to the Indian stste? Be brave and honest enough to admit that there are other parts of Kashmir, where the human rights abuses are no less under Pakistanis.

    Did Pakistan hold a plebiscite for the Kashmiris in the Trans Karakoram tract before handing over that area of Kashmir to China?

    Why talk of Kashmir alone? Why do you not refer the occupation of kalat, to the killings of balochis by Pakistani Army?

    3. You have only said who “tested” a device first. It does not automatically prove who had a N-programme first or built the bomb.
    Nuclear devices are not built overnight. It does not matter who comes out of the closet to conduct a test to expose their nuclear might to the world.

    My article how the Americans throughout their history have created their own enemies and then spent a fortune and human lives to deal with them. “To protect” themselves against “terrorist” attacks and a dirty bomb,have invaded Iraq, and plans to invade Iran.

    The real danger to them are growing and building up in Pakistan. Who they call their ally. That is why I call them suckers.

    You have emphasised that Pakistan has only been building her defense. I do NOT SEE YOU CONTRADICT that Pakistan has been persistently lying and fooling the Americans.

    The Nuclear device that explodes in America will have Made in Pakistan on it.

  20. […] had written in: United Suckers of America You may forget everything else written here or on the referred webpages. But do remember this, […]

  21. […] Remember the rhetorics of the 9/20 amidst applause and standing ovations to a […]

  22. […] have explored the threat to regional peace and safety brought on by Pakistan. I have been exploring myths about Kashmir that are subject of biased […]

  23. […] while, behind america’s back Pakistan blackmarketed of its stolen N-technology all the while america was being fooled by Pakistan of its double dealing motives all the while america insisted on fooling the world to […]

  24. […] 27th September 2007: Musharraf was the West’s darling ally in the war against terror. The west had not realised that their ally had played them for a sucker. […]