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kashmir myths – there is no objective information

Posted by littleindian on August 21, 2007. |


Being fed up of anti-India propaganda
by some Kashmiris muslims, I have been writing
about the “myths”
about Kashmir that are being posted unchallanged.

Whatever I write is supported by links to documentary evidence.

I have found a group of naive and gullible Indian individuals,
who having believed the propaganda have happily lent their voice
in support for this so called “azadi” movement for the Kashmiri muslims.

The call for independance is a call by some and NOT ALL muslims of Kashmir.
And not by any of the indegenous non muslim communities,
who due to persistent ethnic cleansing have now been reduced to a minority.

If this “freedom movement” ever succeeds, it will only lead to another Islamic state
or more likely will be taken over by Pakistan, an Islamic state under a military dictator.

That will be the death warrant of all the indigenous non muslim Kashmiris.
The world will witness the repeat of the Partition, mass emigration and killings.

I do not think these people understands or cares at all for the future of non muslims;
from the comforts of their homes they will denounce the Indian forces in Kashmir
just to be able to show themselves as liberals and exult in mutual backslappings.

(I wonder how they spend the Indian Independance Day, probably
flying the Pakistani flag, and rallying for Kashmir’s occupation by Pakistan.)

Those of you who have read my articles on Kashmir,
I draw your attention to this blog that I discovered today.


Instead of trying to prove my evidence as inaccurate
this author has written a long post, only to call me a “jackass”.

And his or her’s only argument being:
” There is no clear and objective information about the Kashmir region”.

Without bothering to explain why there is
no “clear ond objective information” coming out of Kashmir,
and from which specific areas of Kashmir, for it is certainly not the Indian side.

I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did.
I will of course be continuing to write more on this issue.





Posted by littleindian on . |

15 Responses to “kashmir myths – there is no objective information”

  1. Seems to me from reading his blog he just likes to rant whatever the issue is. There’s really no need for him to be downright offensive. Such rude name-calling undermines the issues and kills the debate.

    From what I’ve read, there’s no doubt that Islamic fundamentalism exists in Kashmir and this conflict may prove to be tougher to crack than the Israeli/Palestinian issue.

  2. Thanks Earthpal,

    In relation to Kashmir,
    what is the truth and what is propaganda,
    I have put up the link here for all to read my articles
    and compare what the other blogger has written decide for themselves.

    And one of the comments says,

    “you asked the right questions and made the right points in answer to his silly ones. And straight to the point too, in your own sweet way :)”

    Yes, very sweet, sickening to be precise.

  3. To
    Mr Karan Pradhan

    As I have stated earlier,
    I have the right to refuse to publish any comments on this issue.

    I am NOT publishing yours.

    You have a platform (that you call your “blog”) where you make your feelings
    offensivly clear about any person who opposes your propaganda on Kashmir.

    Instead of fouling my blogspage, please use your ownsite
    with whatever you wish to say; or anything against my writing
    There it will be better appreciated by your likeminded friends,
    the Pakistani sympathisers. Not on my site.

    As I have said before,
    I have full trust in my readers to decide for themselves
    what is unbiased and true and what is propaganda.

  4. […] an update update kashmir myths – there is no objective information: […]

  5. Little Indian …. The IQ test of Karan is out. he tested negative

  6. To Darius,

    I am not publishing your comment.
    On behalf of your friend(s),
    you have come here only to make personal comments about Mr Durani and myself.

    What your friend writes in his blog is open to discussion and criticism.
    Let him fight his own battles, instead of hiding behind your skirt.

    Feel free to write what you wish on you friends’ blogs sites.
    What you and your mates write about me, don’t bother me.

    I will ofcourse ask my readers to visit your friends blog to read
    ‘first hand’ the garbage you put up. In your “own sweet ways”.

    The more you all write, the easier it gets for me.
    So please do not stop.
    The world needs to be able to hear your words from behind your masks.

    And do your friend a favour, buy him a dictionary, will you?

  7. hmm
    little indian’s article was brilliant too the point and factual.

    Those who disagree are missing something between their ears.

  8. […] #345 “kashmir myths – there is no objective information” is waiting for your approval http://awmyth.wordpress.com/2007/08/21/ kashmir-myths-there-is-no-objective-information/ Author : Karan Pradhan (IP: xxx.xxx.192.138 , xxx.xxx.192.138) E-mail : k_pradhan2@xxxxxxx.com URL […]

  9. @ GranderBharata

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Some disagree because
    they know the truth but have motives to hide it, or
    they look at the truth but let others interpret it for them and follows without questioning or

    (as may well be in this case,) they were gullible and naive,
    fell for the distorted truth, but are either too proud or too stupid to admit mistakes.

  10. There are still, as you said, some Muslims who are calling for Independence. And maybe instead of focusing on what they do on Independence Day or what they will do if their freedom struggle succeeds maybe you need to focus on what has led them to make a bid for independence. Cause they maybe a small part of Kashmir but they are still a part.

  11. @ Lyandra Dsouza,

    I expect you and your friends understands the issue really well, and are well aware of what the consequences are if the so called “independence movement” succeeds?
    Then I suggest you spend your time fighting for their cause.

    I presume you will take the responsibility yourself to break the news to all the Kashmiri HINDUS and BUDDHISTS that:

    EITHER THEY have to GIVE UP their DEMOCRATIC and their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS to spend the rest of their lives in an ISLAMIC STATE under a PAKISTANI DICTATORSHIP.

    Or be ETHNICALLY CLEANSED out of Kashmir.

    I suggest you show your ignorance elsewhere.

  12. Fine. But maybe you learn how to accept other points of view. Without jumping down people’s throats.

  13. Without jumping down people’s throats

    I have done nothing of that sort.

    I have written in defense of the Indians alleged to be in illusion. I have written in defense of those Kashmiris whose voices have been and still are being ignored.

    And I am exploring the myths, anti-India propaganda, that have been build up by pro-Pakistan campaigner(s).

    If anything the common Indian is guilty of, it is their laziness to bother challanging those myths and letting them grow.

    I have expressed my opinion ON MY site, and I have been defending on my site what I have said. That is my fundamental right, but perhaps you may not know what that means either.

    Just because you find it unpalatable doesn’t mean STATING THE FACTS is jumping down anyones’ throats.

    If what I write makes you think so, you all have your OWN WEBLOGS to raise your voices. To speak AGAINST what I have written. I am not stopping you am I? There will be many scheming minds patting their backs in glee at their success.

    So instead of coming here in turns, to have a go at trying to criticise me for expressing my views, I CHALLANGE you all to write the truth on Kashmir and show how it can be done WITHOUT JUMPING DOWN ANYONES’ THROAT.

  14. […] is obvious that some Indians are STILL under ILLUSION that Kashmir may indeed become independent one day. And lend their “weak voice” in […]

  15. […] is obvious that some Indians are STILL under ILLUSION that Kashmir may indeed become independent one day. And lend their “weak voice” in […]